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2009-08-25 21:24:41|  分类: Setup |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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1. 在IE地址栏中直接输人
2. 在注册一项中选择“是”,然后选择你感兴趣的内容,其它的选项可以根据需要来选择,然后按"完成"按钮。

3. 选择“网上阅读邮件和POP功能”,其它选项可根据自己的需要选择,完成后按“提交”按钮。

4. 此时“网上直投”注册成功,系统会告诉你的“服务器设置”:


POP Yahoo! Mail Plus with Microsoft Outlook Express

Here's how to "POP" mail from Yahoo! Mail Plus into your Outlook Express:

  1. From the Tools menu, choose "Accounts."
  2. Select the "Mail" tab.
  3. Click the "Add" button.
  4. From the Add menu, click "Mail."
  5. In the text box labeled Display Name, type your name and click "Next."
  6. In the Email Address box, type your Yahoo! Mail address (be sure to include "@yahoo.com") and click "Next."
  7. Under "My incoming mail server is a…" select "POP3."
  8. Type "pop.mail.yahoo.com" in the Incoming Mail (POP3, IMAP, or HTTP) Server box.
  9. Type "smtp.mail.yahoo.com" in the Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server box.
  10. Click "Next."
  11. In the Account Name box, type your Yahoo! Mail ID (your email address without the "@yahoo.com").
  12. In the Password box, type your Yahoo! Mail password.
  13. If you want Outlook Express to remember your password, check the "Remember password" box.
  14. Do not check the boxes labeled "Log on using Secure…"
  15. Click "Next."
  16. Click "Finish."
  17. Select 'pop.mail.yahoo.com' under 'Account,' and click 'Properties.'
  18. Click the “Servers” tab.
  19. Under “Outgoing Mail Server” check the box next to “My server requires authentication”
  20. Click the 'Advanced' tab.
  21. Under “Outgoing mail Server (SMTP)”, check the box next to “This server requires a secure connection (SSL). Enter port number “465” in the “Outgoing mail (SMTP)” field.
  22. Under “Incoming mail (POP3)”, check the box next to “This server requires a secure connection (SSL)". The port number in the “Incoming mail (POP3)" field should automatically change from 110 to 995. If it doesn’t, make sure the port number is set to 995.

Troubleshooting instructions.

If you followed the above configuration steps, you should be all set. However, if you cannot send or receive mail with your email client, try the following tips.

The Yahoo! Mail SMTP server requires authentication. Make sure you have enabled SMTP authentication. To turn this setting on:

  1. From the Tools menu, choose "Accounts."
  2. Select the "Mail" tab.
  3. Double-click the account labeled "pop.mail.yahoo.com."
  4. Select the "Servers" tab.
  5. Check the box next to "My Server Requires Authentication."
  6. Click "OK."

To control deletion of messages from the Yahoo! Mail Server:

  1. From the Tools menu, choose "Accounts."
  2. Select the "Mail" tab.
  3. Double-click the account labeled "pop.mail.yahoo.com."
  4. Select the "Advanced" tab.
  5. In the Delivery section at the bottom of the window, check "Leave a copy of messages on server" if you want to save your Yahoo! Mail messages on the Yahoo! Mail server as well as on your local computer. Do not check this box if you want your messages to be deleted from the Yahoo! Mail server once you have received them in Outlook Express.

We strongly recommend that you enable SSL for both POP and SMTP, as detailed in the above instructions. This will ensure that your Yahoo! ID, password and email messages are transmitted securely between your mail client and the Yahoo! servers. However, if you choose to not use SSL for SMTP, your email client will likely default the SMTP port to 25. If your ISP blocks port 25 or if you're unable to send email, then you will need to use port 587 when sending via Yahoo!'s SMTP server. To make this change, please follow the directions below:

  1. From the "Tools" menu, select "Accounts"
  2. Select your Yahoo! POP account and click on the "Properties" button
  3. Click on the "Advanced" tab
  4. Next to "Outgoing server (SMTP), change port 25 to 587
  5. Click "Apply", then click "OK" and "Close"
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